
public final class CreateBookingReminder

Class representation of a request to create a booking reminder.


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public CreateBookingReminder CreateBookingReminder(    @Json(name = "type") String type,     @Json(name = "minutes_before_event") Integer minutesBeforeEvent,     @Json(name = "recipient") String recipient,     @Json(name = "email_subject") String emailSubject)


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public final class Builder


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private final String emailSubject

The subject of the email reminder.

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The number of minutes before the event to send the reminder.

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private final String recipient

The recipient of the reminder.

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private final String type

The reminder type.


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public final String getEmailSubject()

The subject of the email reminder.

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The number of minutes before the event to send the reminder.

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public final String getRecipient()

The recipient of the reminder.

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public final String getType()

The reminder type.